Sy Ari Da Kid – Ultrasound 2: The Birth

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Now his one caught me kind off guard!

When it comes to Atlanta’s indie hip-hop scene it’s no were near as simple as the signed and the unsigned. Just as hip-hop is you have many sub genres and sub cultures within the scene meaning two artist who may be at the same level and of the same caliber may never run into each other and may have never heard of one another. Different hip-hop sub genres are using completely different networks and plugs to make it into their respective lanes. With this being said Sy Ari was going relatively unnoticed by myself and some others in my immediate vicinity of blogger friends. That all changed extremely fast. The reception for the tape was almost instantaneous throughout the scene and after first listen it is easy to see why. It has an undeny-ability (yeah I made that up) about it. I mean that in saying everything about it is so solid that if you don’t like it you may just not like rap all that much. Da Kid delivers (and I mean DELIVERS) from start to finish. He has that quality that is reserved for the top and the legends in the since that he doesn’t really seem capable of a subpar verse. He’s skilled and seasoned at this. I’m not sure of his back story but what he does on the tracks is what you wish battle rappers could do when people tell them to make an actually song. It has that grit but he can also turn it down with tracks like Popular so everything doesn’t alway feel so rough through out. 300 Spartans being the nail in the coffin for anyone who didn’t think he had enough clout to pull any star power shut up! The project goes HARD and you’re going to be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks otherwise. As a matter of fact I would actually like to hear from someone who has found fault with the tape because I couldn’t imagine what it would be… Really great work Sy Ari and shout out to Schweinbeck for letting us know it’s real. lol. @SyAriDaKid
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