Rome Fortune gives a super touching visual from some Beautiful Pimp 2 audio. GoldRush is really cranking out those super interesting videos for this guy.
Love this.
So Noisey’s docu-series on Atlanta seems to be rubbing just about everyone the wrong way. I have to admit that through out the 5 episodes we have gotten so far there are some pretty cringe worthy moments. Once during episode 4 while interviewing the ATL Twins about how they prefer to have sex with girls who will have sex with both of them an unsuspecting woman walks in obviously not expecting there to be cameras in which her face needed to be blurred. They also seem to at one point be praying to a masked girl shaking her ass on the bed as though “this is just what we do when no ones around”. Maybe it is. Doesn’t make it any less weird.
It actually starts of with the host saying “Atlanta, the city to busy to hate, drug trafficking hub of the east coast and the home of trap music.” which is then later followed by Curtis Snow stating that “When a rapper is rapping you should be able to smell the dope cooking.” For a city having a new creative surge of a wider variety of hip hop (and art in general) it just wasn’t a good look.
Even Waka Had to chime in…
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Two-9 back to prove they still have a strangle hold on the city. Really excited about this one as should everyone be basically. One thing that had me worried was their first single off of the tape was extremely feature heavy and with a 5 man group you really can’t afford to be. Glad to say the features pretty much end with that track.
Another really cool attention to detail is the way they have set up the cover and track art. Only the member who is featured on the track has his face shown the rest are darkened out. We’ll chalk that up to Fani until proven other wise. LOL.
On to the music the first video is perfect and crazy. Jace starts it of strong as he should with the caption for the world as an introduction to each member. The tracks are classic Two-9 mosh-pit starters. If you love the 9 you’ll love this.
Dope work guys! This is how you start of a mainstream career. They people are going to love this.
I would say of Two9 but this is an Atlanta based blog. When I say Jace you should know who I’m talking about.
Jace has really been on a roll lately. I hear we should be looking out for a solo album from this Retro Su$hi member and if the last few tracks are indicative of what we will be hearing I’m sure it will get the same acclaim as his Two9 crew mate Curtis Williams last outing received.
Come with it man.
@RetroJace / @Two9
Very happy to see the success of this man. Still bumping the Danco James project extremely heavy. Keep Going man!
Of course shout out to Two9
SideNote: There is really no reason @ThatBoyCurtis Twitter account is not verified.
Wara From The NBHD gearing up for the new project he recently announced, If Guns Could Speak. Can’t wait. To keep us on our toes he drops the dopeness that is first project cut P.N.S which we can only assume stands for Protect N Serve. (if we’re wrong correct us)
Super cool stuff wonder if this sound will be the direction for the new stuff. If so we can’t wait.
Shout Out to the whole PlayinFourKeeps
We’ve been slacking. If you guys haven’t caught it yet here is a season 2 ILL Table episode for camera man extraordinare Cam Kirk. Very interesting way to get your start. No description needed just check out the dope work from Ms. Nicole and her team.
@IllTable / @ShellyNicole / @TheCamKirk
Money Makin Nique’ & Johnny Cinco bring us The Extra EP. Super Cool and the kind of collaboration that seems really natural. Like these two guys may have already been really cool.
(The dance Nique’ Does in the video makes me want to see it live so I can join in!)
I feel like the styles compliment each other with out feeling so far apart that they shouldn’t be together. They naturally speak on similar subject matter while Johnny somewhat mumbles his way through lines Nique’ speaks extremely direct.
Dope stuff.
@mOneyMakinNique / 1JohnnyCinco
Basically a back to back drop from Wara with Slangin. following close behind RAW which seems to take place in the same world. Wara definitely stated at one point that the story was not over.
I wonder how many more videos we are going to get out of the KIDNAPPED project. Maybe he’ll even give us a conclusion to Piano Lesson’s story.
SideNote: Not mad a all the shameless promotion either. lol. Get your Playin’ Four Keeps apparel today!
So what we have here it seems like is a two part video from Wara with Raw coming first and Slangin to be released at a later date.
One thing I really commend about the visual is how it follows the story of KIDNAPPED with Wara actually taking on the roll of his created character Piano Lessons (or at least that’s how I interpreted it.)
I also wonder how crazy the Slangin video is going to be. They have really been tooting the horn about it so we should be in for something really dope. Can’t wait. With this new verified account I think Wara is definitely poised to blow next.
@warafromthenbhd / @GrandeMarshall
One of my favorite cuts from the 808 Keys EP. Also I was at this little secret Key! pop up show shot during A3C between his other shows. I remember being drunk and really wanting one of those Key! “HELLO!?” shirts but they were $50! (I almost bought one any way. lol)
I want to also use this moment to point out what I been telling people for a while now. If you have been paying attention to the goings on of the scene Key!’s notoriety has sky rocketed! From the Fader interviews to the controversial Complex interview. Key! may have made the correct choice when it came to going the solo route. He definitely has the ability and acclaim.
Since we take such long hiatuses around here and miss stuff here is some more Key! with visual from TMZ.
@FATMANKEY / @manmansavage100