Curtis Williams – Half Forgotten Daydreams

tumblr_mqgd695E0o1qlbcemo1_1280 But really though what can I say about this release that hasn’t already been said. It’s definitely one of the most anticipated releases in the Atlanta scene. We’ve been waiting on this one and it does not disappoint. If you dig Curtis your going to love the project. It’s just smooth so smooth to the point that in the closing of the album I almost got the impression that it was actually was a loosely based concept project of a young William’s daydreams which is a testament to the vision and consistency of the project as a whole. I also have to give him kudos for not going crazy with the features. With the clout that not only his name but the Two9 brand carries at this time he could have really gotten anybody he wanted for a little boost in star power but he didn’t. He kept it at home with the team and you have to respect the authenticity that comes with that. @ThatBoyCurtis
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