KEY! + Chris Fresh: EightHundredandEightKeys

Key just continues to prove that he can churn out catchy hits on command and this project is no different. I mean seriously Key! is proving to have the magic touch. If you want to be on then you need a Key! collab. I will say that this project, as short as it is, is bottom heavy. The most memorable tracks come near the back end. KNOW U, PERFECT, and PARTY are jus awesome while the first two kind of just sound a bit more aggressive and while they are dope tracks with great lines the are a little less memorable. The stand out track on this is obviously PERFECT. Basically it sound like Key! just being Key! and not giving a eff what the track is going to sound like which of course ends up making the track sound awesome. As one of my correspondents stated it almost sounded like he was just going to use some stuff as place holders and freestyled somethings with the intention to go back later and just didn’t. We are glad he didn’t because this is going near the top of the Key! catalog. S/O to all of OPB @FATMANKEY
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