Okay guys so to be completely honest this was a series that I was not looking forward to. Going into this my expectations were quite low. That may have something to do with why I was so impressed.
SPOILERS AHEAD of the red blur, the fastest man alive.
So as I stated above I was expecting very little from this DC Comic based Flash series. Flash has always been one of those characters that is only important when it’s time to reboot the DC Universe for me other than that he is basically just a guy who runs fast (really fast mind you but just fast none the less.)
His villains are “Eh” and he really has one trick up his sleeve that makes for interesting stories. Time Travel.
With that being said let me get into my HOWL about this show and how I was proven wrong.
Running fast is awesome! I thought it would be boring but it actually works extremely well on this show. With the input of enough science and a vast enough special move set it kept this first season of 23 episodes from becoming stale. From tornado hands to phasing through stuff he actually has a pretty large skill set which got rid of the concern of the whole “he’s just going to run faster than he did last week” thing that I was afraid was going to happen.
His supporting cast is a really nice addition which actually seem to carry most of the meat of the story. His father has been falsely imprisoned for killing his mother and he is trying to prove his innocence but that seems to only become a topic during the most important episodes in this opening season with it resolving in the end. Every time that plot would come up in the show it would almost make you go “oh yeah, that’s a think that happened.”
I will say that I did find it odd that Dr. Harrison Wells who ends up being the Reverse Flash is just evil. Not in the new age way where the villain has some sort of explained purpose but in the old school way where the villain is just evil for the sake of being evil. Leave it to DC to go old school with there diabolical villainy.
It does balance out well with cool little corny heroic tropes about believing in yourself and never giving up which I always love. I also dig the Arrow tie-in which which I think will make for some dope tie-ins in the future.
All in all I was really impressed by this one which I hope they can keep up. I basically had the exact opposite experience that I had with Gotham. Came in in with low expectations and really dug it.
What did you guys think?